British Museum Bronze Age Index Irish Axes Drawer B5

These people contributed their time and skills to generate the information for this citizen science project.
Daniel Pett, Laurie Pearce Hager, Noa Corcoran-Tadd, Elizabeth Wright, Sarah Rosenthal-Almirall, Thibault Goffioul, tasset Akki, Fiona Charbon, Léonard Dumont, Lucas, Rémy, Lise Charron, Adélie Simon, Pier Paolo Olivieri, Rachel J Dacey, Kali M., Elaine Dale, Jeff Okazaki, Jos Kleijne, Latifa Walker, Joellen McGann, Jennifer Lavris Makovics, Denis Antoine, Maria Christakou, Susan Magyarody, Michael Adams, Van C. Vives
This project was created on July 12, 2016 and comprised of 813 tasks.