British Museum Bronze Age Index Drawer A1 flanged Axes | The Bronze Age Index

British Museum Bronze Age Index Drawer A1 flanged Axes

British Museum Bronze Age Card Index transcription for drawer A1 flanged Axes.


These people contributed their time and skills to generate the information for this citizen science project.

Lucy Ellis, Cheryl Ellsworth, Mary Thomson, Elaine Dale, Jeff Okazaki, Jos Kleijne, Joseph Koivisto, Bianca Cabrera, Latifa Walker, Valeska Becker, Joellen McGann, Dina Fathalla, scruffyarcher, Margaret Ellen Joy, Tim Mudie, Jane Fellows, Swantje Dogunke, John Marr, Denis Antoine, Andrew Parkinson, Andrew Bevan, Heidi Lund, Raest Wylde, Hugh Fiske, M. P., M. Froso, Maria Christakou, Christopher Wai, Susan Magyarody, Wilhelmina Bunn, Billie Randle, Danny, Jimena Bordes, Rachael Sparks, Wesley Church, Michael Adams, Elizabeth Dale, Dianne ILLSLEY, Lynn Cornelius, Juliet Taylor, Sarah Allana Reynolds, Lucas Suter, Franck Pasqualini, Gillian Barnes, Stephanie Choy, Robert Brockman, Jeff Anderson, Frances Bagnall, Tracey Tomashpol, David Christensen, Patricia Townend, Zack Broderick, Darren Kinsman, Scott Benson, Craig Allen Carr, Jeffrey Vogatts

Source data

This project was created on August 29, 2014 and comprised of 747 tasks.

British Museum
Institute of Archaeology
Portable Antiquities